Import Large Databases into PHPMyAdmin using BigDump

Hi all,

Few days back I was working on a project having large database.Before applying new modifications in the project, backup of the current databse was necessary.when I was taking backup  it gave me error because it was too big, because it exceeded the timeout. For the solution of this error i googled and found one amazing solution the name of which is BigDump.

What is BigDump?

When you are about to replicate or move a database then importing large SQL dumps  can be difficult for those with only web access to the MySQL server. phpMyAdmin has certain shortcomings when importing files of more than a modest size. In such cases BigDump can be a helpful utility.

How to use BigDump?

1.    Download the BigDump from here : BigDump
2.    Extract the file and open the bigdump.php file in a text editor.
3.    Configure: Server, database name, username, password, and the file name.


// Database configuration 
$db_server = "localhost";
$db_name = "your_DB_name";
$db_username= "your_DB_user_name";/>
$db_password= "your_DB_password";

// Other Settings//
$filename = "the_file_you_wish_to_execute";

// Lines to be executed per one import session
$linespersession = 3000;

// You can specify a sleep time in milliseconds after each session
// Works only if JavaScript is activated. In order to reduce server overrun
$delaypersession = 0;

4.    Upload both your SQL file and bigdump.php to the same directory on your webserver.
5.    Now Browse to bigdump.php and click import

You have Done It..!! Wait a few minutes and you will see a confirmation screen similar to the one below.



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