
Showing posts from July, 2009

Samba client useage example

List shared folders on remote server # smbclient -L //[server_name_or_ip]/ [-U login_name] Browse a shared folder on remote server # smbclient -L //[server_name_or_ip]/[folder_name] [-U login_name] Mount shared folder on remote server # smbmount //[server_name_or_ip]/[folder_name] [path_to_mount_point] [-o user=login_name] ps. There are lots of options for smbmount, man it for more details.

Office 2008 for Mac install failed

在進行安裝時,你會看到這樣的錯誤訊息: " 無法安裝:安裝程式無法安裝軟體,因為找不到軟體來進行安裝 " 然後,就被迫結束安裝。 經過爬文後的結果得到下列兩個結論: 安裝前,系統預設語系改為英文語系 安裝時,採用自訂安裝,把挪威文檢查工具取消選取 目前確定改變語系是可行的方法。 以上請參考。

How to diable kernel module in Debian

OS: Debian 5 I want to disable module i2o_core to prevent unexpected exception/error. Create a conf file for i2o_core in /etc/modprob.d Edit its content with 'blacklist i2o_core' and then save it run 'depmod -ae' as root run 'update-initramfs -u' to re-create initrd After rebooting, you won't see i2o_core via 'lsmod'. You can reference to this wiki page .

multi SSH connection to a server over an existing socket

cat >> ~/.ssh/config Host * ControlPath /tmp/%r@%h:%p ControlMaster auto EOF

Pure-FTPd installation on Debian

Install Pure-FTPd with following steps: # aptitude select and install pure-ftpd quit aptitude after install finished Add or modify or remove configurations in /etc/pure-ftpd/conf restart the daemon after configurations changed What items I've chnaged are... UnixAuthentication -> yes DontResolve -> yes ChrootEveryone -> yes