
Showing posts from March, 2011
Use VirtualPathUtility to obtain information like requested path, extension etc in web environment. It is Web version of System.IO.Path VirtualPathUtility .GetExtension( HttpContext .Current.Request.RawUrl)

NITDroid installation

I'm disappointed that NOKIA announced they will use WM for their new N9 series phone, and that makes me wanting to give up Maemo. I've used iPhone before. Its a good experience to use a smart phone. But it is too expensive for me. So, I want to migrate to Android based. For some reasons: Android had good integration with Google services, that's helpful to me. Android also has lots of applications on AppMarket. Android based phone is cheaper than iPhone. So, I tried to install NITDroid on my NOKIA N900. I want to thanks to the NITDroid project! Its very easy to install NITDroid on NOKIA N900 for now. The following is the notes I've been tried. Preparing a microSD card, and 2G size is recommended. Add a repo: extra-devel on Maemo's application manager. Install a package named nitdroid-installer on Maemo. Click the Application icon or run 'nitdroid' with superuser for automatic installation. After the installation, reboot the phone to entering the Android world...