Database Transaction State

A transaction needs many state to complete a transaction process. A transaction must be in one of the following states:
Active: Active is the first stage of a transaction. It is initial state of any transaction. The transaction stays in this state when the transaction execute first time.
Partially committed: After the final statement of a transaction just has been executed. That state is called the partially committed state.
Failed : When normal statement cannot proceed in middle time, we call it failed.

Aborted: After the transaction has been rolled back or restored that is called the aborted state.
Committed : The successful completion of the transaction is called the committed state.
Summary of transaction state:
A transaction starts in the active state. When it finishes its final statement, then it enters the partially committed state. So the summary of transaction state is, When a transaction execute its first program we call it active state. When the transaction just complete it's final state we call it partially committed state.
If any internal state of a transaction cannot proceed we call it failed state. When a transaction completed successfully we call it committed state. If you have any question about transaction plz make your comment, we are ready to answer your question.

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