Get random element from an array in PHP
This tutorial will show you how to get a random element from an array in PHP. We will use mt_rand function and count to determine minimal and maximal index of a array. Remeber that arrays are indexed from 0, so if you have a ten elements array, the elements have indexes from 0 to 9. So, we need a random number that will by at least 0 but smaller than 10. Wi will user mt_rand function te generate that number. Se example how to use count and mt_rand to get random element from an array:
$array = array( 1,2,3,4,5 ); echo $array[mt_rand(0,count($array)-1)];
As you can see we have to substract 1 from the size of an array. Also we use faster and better function mt_rand, because rand is slower and less randomness.
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