PHP arithmetic operators

When you were start your first math learning, I am sure you have used + sign, - sign, * and / sign. These sign are used in PHP as a arithmetic operator. Different kinds of PHP arithmetic operators are + operator, - operator, * multiply operator, / division operator, % modulus operator. Here we describe its clearly.

(+) Addition Operator: Using this operator we can add two value such that $a + $b or 12+15=27.
(-) Subtraction Operator: Using this operator we can subtract two value such that $a - $b.
(*) Multiply Operator: We call * sign is multiply operator in PHP. Multiply operator is used for multiplication such that 12*2=24.
(/) Division Operator: To find quotient we use PHP division operator. For an example, 12/2=6.
(%) Modulus Operator: We find remainder from two variable we use PHP modulus operator. For an example, 12%2=0.

PHP Arithmetic Operator Example:  Let's try an example where we have used all PHP arithmetic operators.
echo (2+8); // Addition
echo "<br>";
echo (9-3); // Subtraction
echo "<br>";
echo (2*9); // Multiplication
echo "<br>";
echo (6/2); // Division
echo "<br>";
echo (6%2); // Modulus Operation
The outputs are 10,6,18,3,0. Try to change our code and see what will be the output.


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