Some PHP project idea for absolute beginners

You want be PHP developers, you want to be an PHP expert, you want to know how to nourish yourself in step by step procedure as a PHP beginner. So this tutorial for you. 

PHP Project Idea Fundamentals:

I described 10+ PHP project idea in one of my previous tutorial. If you want to be an expert in any section just like PHP expert, C# expert or any other sections, you have to develop your skills gradually by doing some real life project. One of my friend said me, if you want to be an expert in PHP, at first you have to do two or three PHP project otherwise you cannot say you are an expert. After doing lots of research I understand that real life project is the building block of your PHP learning path right! so I am here to give you some PHP project idea that is very essential for beginners. You have just completed our PHP basic tutorials, so you want to develop real life PHP project but you cannot come up with idea. I want to tell you one word idea is very important thing but implementation is nothing. Take a look over this tutorial, it will be helpful for you. 

My first PHP project idea for beginners:

It is really a tough situation for you when you completed our PHP basic and advanced tutorial. You can think what next??? Your next work is to do PHP shopping cart tutorial. It is a basic and fundamental project for all PHP developers. You can search PHP shopping cart tutorial in Google. Before searching the tutorial just think what are the basic features. To get you know here I am trying to tell you the basic features of a shopping cart. 
  • Login, logout and registration procedure
  • Payment procedure 
  • Show product list and Add to cart
  • Shipping procedure 
You can implement each procedure in step by step manner but it is not necessary. In our blog we will discuss about PHP shopping cart implementation but before that you have to wait.

My second PHP project idea for beginners:

You are now at the middle path. If you want to overcome it, you can choose this PHP project as a challenge. You have completed your first PHP project so it is your time to make yourself more professional. I know by doing PHP shopping cart project what you have learned. So want to know what are the features: 
  • Login, logout and registration module
  • Post module
  • Category module
  • Commenting module 
These two PHP project idea are the foundation and now you are an expert, you can solve any real life PHP project confidently. You are on the right way. If you have enough time, you can implement these three project as a fan. Here this PHP project idea for you :
E-Learning and education system using PHP
Personal time management system for managing your daily tasks
E-Library management system for your school or university
You understand what should do and what should not do. Now you have enough PHP project idea, so you can implement it's by coding. In my next tutorial I will show you how to implement PHP login, logout and registration procedure. It will be descriptive and step by step process. So wait before that................
Oh! don't forget to share these PHP project idea to your friends.


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