Why stackoverflow is really important for PHP programmers and developers

It is really a tough question for PHP programmers who actually don't familiar with stackoverflow.com. This site is a very popular site for developers and programmers who love to write PHP code and function(Not only PHP programmers but also for all kinds of programmers). It is a platform and a programmer and expert based community who loves to help others. 
I am a PHP programmer, I can't imagine my development life without stackeoverflow
There are bunch of questions have arises in my mind when I thought about this and the importance of stackoverflow. Here I come with some idea with suggestions for new PHP developers who want to develop real life project and why stackoverflow is a big mouth for you.
At first we need to know what is stackoverflow.com.
Stack Overflow is very famous website and it is one of the flagship question and answer site of the Stack Exchange Network. It discusses wide range of topics related on Computer Programming such as Android, PHP, Java, ASP.NET etc. More specifically, it discuss on specific programming related problem. For example, you get a problem when you write a programming srcipt and you can ask it in Stack Overflow. Instantly you will
get solution from other expert.
It is not a matter wherever you are from but you have to ask question critically.   Otherwise your id may be banned by others because to protect this site from spammers.
So feel free and ask your question, get your answer from expert. 


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