Database Transaction basic: ACID properties

Database transaction:
A transaction is a unit of program execution that accesses and possibly updates various data items.A transaction has many program segment such as read segment, write segment etc. We combine all segment as a unit and call it database transaction. A transaction require to maintain the following properties. These properties are often called the ACID properties. Given below the ACID properties of a transaction:
Atomicity: All operations of a transaction must be completed otherwise the program must aborted.
Database consistency stats that only valid data will be written to database. Database consistency says that total sum of enter program of a transaction must unchanged. If a transaction violets the database consistency rules, the entire database will be rolled back and the database restored.
Isolation means multiple transactions occurring at same time but not impact each other execution. A transaction X and another transaction Y occur at same time but don't disturb each other it is called isolation in database transaction.
Durability: Durability ensures a transaction committed successfully but will not lost even the database crashes. It says any fault of database cannot remove transaction data.
Let, a transaction transfer $50 from account A to account B. This transaction can be defined as
          1. read(A);
          2. A:=A-50;
          3. write(A);
          4. read(B);
          5. B:=B+50;
          6. write(B);
Now I discuss the ACID properties of the example. Atomicity: We know all operation must completed in a transaction otherwise the system abort. In step 3 if the database system crash what will occur? Atomicity property handle it because transaction not completed fully. Consistency:The sum of A and B be unchanged by the execution of the transaction. If the total sum changed it is say that an error occurred in the system. So database must restored. Isolation: Isolation means two or more program runs concurrently in database without impact each other. In this example the read and write segment runs concurrently without impacting each other. Durability: Think that a transaction completed successfully. When it completed successfully and at the same time the system crashes. Durability handle the situation and the actual data cannot lost.


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