Introduction to CakePHP

CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible architecture for developing, deploying, and maintaining applications. It uses MVC software design pattern.The CakePHP framework also provides valuable reusable libraries for dealing with common tasks.

Using CakePHP’s scaffolding feature, it’s possible to build a prototype application very quickly, using a less amount of code and with a large number of helper classes available to extend and customize your application.CakePHP is being actively developed, and is backed by extensive documentation and has a lively support community.

Features of CakePHP

Although CakePHP Development has multiple features supporting it to be chosen as the most preferable framework for developing complex web applications, we put in highlights a few convincing ones.

     (1)  It is Compatible with both PHP4 and PHP5.
    (2)  It provides DBMS support for rapid and bendable templating.
    (3)  Ease of plug-in support.
    (4)  Data abstraction (PEAR::DB, ADOdb, Cake).
    (5)  Easy web services integration and development.
    (6)  Provision of robust flexible data validation features.
    (7)  Scaffolding.
  (8) Squeezes the expense that are related to website creation and develops applications rapidly.
    (9)  Offers View Helpers for JavaScript,AJAX, HTML Forms and much more.
  (10)  Its a Open Source under the MIT License.

Console Applications

CakePHP offers a CLI(Command Line Interface).That can be  accessed by the 'cake' command. There are main three core console applications available in the library. First one is “bake” for the generation of models, controllers and views. Second is “acl” used for the management of Access Control Lists. and the last one is “schema” for database schema creation and migration.

One great thing is that Developers can also create their own “shells” and shared functionality across these shells called “tasks”. Those scripts have access to the  models and controllers of the application. An example use-case for this would be the scheduled update of the application’s data from an RSS or other data feed.

Know more about Cake PHP  follow the below link,


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