Slides Show: A new face of Home Page

Easing slider is one of the most fantastic Word Press slideshow plug-in’s, enabling the users to create stunning slide shows without messing around with the codes, this plud-in has recently picked up much popularity amongst the online users. Its user-friendly interface facilitates the users to generate unlimited slideshows, and entails the users to attach numerous images, videos, links, and buttons, to each slide show. Users can link the slide shows with various web pages for their easy access. The responsive nature of the Easing slider allows the slide shows, to smoothly fit in with various screens of smart phones, and tablets. 


To install the Easing sliders Pro, the user can simply browse through the Word Press online storehouse, or various open markets of applications to download. However, before downloading, users, have to check the minimum requirements i.e. Word Press should to be of a version similar to 3.5, and easily supports PHP 5.2 and JQuery 1.4.2.

The users can easily login into their accounts, and navigate through the plug-in panel using the admin controls. By clicking on the ‘Add New page link’, the Add new page displays the plug-in installation page that provides various options such as search, upload etc, depending upon the Word Press version. The users need to click on to the upload button, to upload the files. Once uploaded, the plug-in has to be activated using the usual process. A slide show admin menu appears in the word press, and the users can witness the amazing slideshows features throughout.

Author Bio:-
This article is contributed by ValueCoders, a leading IT outsourcing company, specialized in web and cms development. One can hire WordPress developers here for effective WordPress development services.


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